Thursday, July 21, 2011

Realistic Extreme Couponing

I am sure most of America has now seen or heard about TLC’s new show Extreme Couponing. It seems to have brought an entire new understanding to the world of couponing, good and bad. With more and more people using coupons, the stores seem to have caught on and are making much stricter coupon policies. There are now numerous coupon blogs that show the latest coupons and match-ups on which coupons to use for the current sales ad. For some, it’s a full time job researching the latest coupons and getting the best deals.

I have to admit, I have been sucked up into this coupon world. I would say my Mom introduced me into the world of saving and couponing, but my urge and desire to save as much money as possible is definitely much stronger now than it has ever been. I would have to contribute the sudden urge to the economy (as Brad and I have both experienced in the past 2 years what it is like to be laid off), having a family, and the overall accessibility to coupons now. I can still remember the days when my Mom used to cut coupons from the monthly Safeway coupon book (back before every store had a savings card). She would categorize the coupons by isle of the store. At the time, I thought that was strange, but I now completely understand as shopping with children is a completely different experience than shopping on your own (especially with coupons).

So, the point of this post is to express my unsolicited rants/vents about extreme couponing.

1. Not everything is for free.
On the majority of the Extreme Couponing episodes, they show people getting $1,500 worth of groceries for pennies. Fantastic for them, I say. But honestly, who needs 100 bottles of hot sauce and 300 packets of croutons? Which leads to my next point…

2. Abusive couponing leads to hoarding.
Just because it’s free or super cheap DOES NOT MEAN you need to buy the store out! And honestly, can you really use 200 tubes of toothpaste before expire? Unless you are donating these items to a worthy cause (which some actually do), I would consider this under the category of unrealistic. I completely agree with having a stock pile. But I believe there is a fine line between stock pile and hoarding. There is another show for Hoarders on TLC.

3. Coupon Policies are set for a reason.
Although I do not completely agree with or like the coupon policies in place, I know why they are enforced. This kinda ties into purchasing 100 of the same item and using 100 coupons. Let’s all just abide by the policies, and no one gets hurt!

4. Couponing, part-time.
I usually spend about 1-2 hours a week “couponing”, which includes looking at the weekly sales ads, reading blogs, researching for coupons and making my list. I really don’t know or understand how you can spend 40+ hours a week doing that. At that point, it may become a bit boring! Since I already work full-time and I highly value my family time, I usually don’t scour for coupons or make my list until Leah is already in bed.

Although my husband might disagree, I definitely only purchase items I know we will use. I will not buy something that we do not use just because it is a great deal and I have a coupon, because then how are you really saving money?
Disclaimer – I am no where near a professional couponer (if there is such a thing??), just a Mom trying to save some money!


Jess and Tom Roberts said...

i totally agree with you!! i wish i could get into the groove of couponing. i see peoples pictures of things they get and im like.. are you really going to use all of that? for me, and being picky... it doesn't help. ton of the stuff that there are coupons for i would never use.

tmlinaman said...

of course those people who spend so much time are crazy! i just take advantage of the facebook pages dedicated to couponing & all the work is done for me.
i see how it can get addicting though. sometimes i have felt pressured to use a coupon before it expires & then think- do i really need it? now i am being better about trying to find coupons for everything i would normally buy instead of just buying things beacuse i have a coupon.
i was really shocked on how many coupons are out there if you search it's just too bad that they are usually one time things when you register with a site. i do still think it is worth the time to find things that are free or give you overages but i buy 2 of them not 100 lol. it is nice to stock up on household stuff so we are not 'out' when we need it.

Tristy L. said...

I love the blogs and FB pages that list all the match ups. It saves so much time! Although I have noticed that if you go to a couple different ones, sometimes they will list different coupons. I definately agree on keeping a stock pile of household items. I hoping next week TP is on a good sale so I can stock up!

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