Brad put this together for me this weekend:
My elliptical that we purchased in December 2010. After another pregnancy and baby, I thought it was about time to utilize this thing.
My goal is to work out 30-45 mins every morning before the kids get up. The constantly moving variable though is WHEN the kids get up! Sometimes, they both get up when Brad leaves for work (around 5:30) so I have to get ready and entertain/watch/feed them at the same time, which is pretty stressful. Other times, they sleep in a bit so I can at least take a shower with out having to entertain two kids in the bathroom through a foggy glass door. It looks like I will have to get up around 5 to meet this goal. Although the evenings are looking like an easier (time wise) option to work out, the evenings are the only time Brad and I have some quiet time after the kids are in bed, so I would rather not take that away.
My main goal is to become healthier, not just to lose weight. I realize this is not an overnight process and will take some time. It is also going to be an overall lifestyle change (for me and my family). Some things we have already adapted to in our household:
1. No Soda
I am not a big soda fan, but we always had it in the house because Brad needs caffeine. He has now replaced that habit with iced tea for the caffeine.
2. No Fast Food
We watched the documentary Supersize Me a while back, and ever since then, I have not eaten any fast food. I haven't even had the craving to eat any. Honestly, we all know fast food is bad for us, but when you watch the process of how its made, what ingredients are actually used, and what it does to your body, it turns your stomach.
3. More Home-Cooked Meals
Brad and I both love to cook. We try to plan our meals ahead of time so we are not rushing to make dinner at 7pm. Typically, when we rush or make something "quick and easy", it's frozen pizza or ordering something. Going out to eat is not only expensive, but it is also difficult to control how they cook your meal or what unknown added calories there are.
4. Exchanging Ground Beef for Ground Turkey
Before, we really only used ground turkey for chili. Now, Brad has exchanged ground beef for ground turkey is some of our favorite dinners, and honestly I can't tell the difference.
My other goals I hope to reach (in so specific time order):
1. Eat more fresh, all natural, unprocessed, no preservative foods.
2. Read nutrition labels and keep a daily food log (there's an app for that!)
3. Lose 10lbs a month (realistic? I have no idea.)
4. Set a better example for my kids.
Leah is a pretty picky eater. She loves fruit, cheese and yogurt, but she also loves hot dogs, chicken nuggets and pizza (really, what toddler doesn't?). I want to find healthier alternatives to her favorite foods.
Please comment if you have any advice, suggestions, or words of encouragement. I will try to keep posting my progress and possibly take pictures... possibly.
have you tried looking into weight watchers? Tom's mom and sisters all do it and its amazing! They've all lost a lot of weight. His younger sister has always had a problem with weight since she was little and shes lost 30-40 lbs already, it teaches you to not really diet, but be aware of you're eating, points, etc... its pretty neat, and from the looks of it, works!
Good luck. I got lucky in this pregnancy and have quit soda cause it sounds gross and fast food sounds gross as well and im craving lots of fruits i never liked before!
Yay! Right there with you. You should do measurements too (you don't have to post them). Because sometimes you don't lose pounds but you are losing inches. I can motivae you long distance, and we can encourage each other to keep going : )
Yea definately not posting them but a good idea to compare before and after. Maybe will post AFTER I reach my goal :) Are you doing pictures? I still am in shock that you will be across the country so I am going to be selfish and pout for the next four months...
Jess - WW costs $$ and you know how cheap I am lol
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